On 25/04/2020 19:04, Lior Kaplan wrote:
I'm running mirror.isoc.org.il http://mirror.isoc.org.il which also has a mirror for CentOS (around 10-12 years) and also appeared on the official list.
Recently , I keep getting errors from rsync for not being able to find the CentOS module or a welcome message that says "unless your run or intended to a public mirror..". Probably depends which server answers under msync.centos.org http://msync.centos.org (also used to work with eu-msync).
My guess is that my IP got blocked / blacklisted, can someone check mirror.isoc.org.il http://mirror.isoc.org.il ( ?
Yes, per announce on this list (but you were problably not reading it while we ask all mirrors admins to do so), mirrors that were out-of-date and not monitored by mirrors admins were just disabled, as it's taking plenty of time on our mirrors crawler to try to validate mirrors which are out-of-date .
Let me enable you back but if it's falling again it will be disabled (I should have a public policy stating this somewhere)