Am 20.07.11 03:24, schrieb Warren Togami Jr.:
I have excluded obsolete releases, but I am willing to bring back the entire 5.x series if you insist upon it.
Well. Why not a 6 only mirror :)
I'll add it later today.
Syncing 4 times a day. We have lots of bandwidth, but we would prefer to ramp it up slowly. We are open to the public, but we would prefer to serve mainly Hawaii and the U.S. West region if that would be possible sometime in the future.
That is not possible at the moment.
Have you folks implemented a GeoIP based MirrorManager similar to Fedora Infrastructure? We would like it very much, as we can supply all ASN's and IP subnets of Hawaii networks so all those machines can automatically use the nearest mirror.
We want to/will do that. That is something I wanted to help implement, but I am terribly short on time at the moment, as I am moving between towns during the next ones and begin a new job.