Country (Region) CA (Canada) State (Area) MB City Winnipeg Organization Name Manitoba Unix User Group Versions 5 Architectures i386 x86_64 Direct DVD Downloads (depends on upstream mirror)**
URL's: HTTP FTP RSYNC rsync://
Bandwidth cap 100 MB/s on I2/CA*Net4 (possibly lower on Commercial link, due to traffic shaping) Preferred contact Synch. frequency 4 times daily: 5*/updates once daily: All
** Note, we're currently mirroring from Argonne National Laboratory (, over Internet 2, since we're on the Canadian equivalent (CA*Net 4) which connects to I2 over Gigabit links. According to the CentOS Public Mirrors page, they don't allow direct DVD downloads, yet they do have them available via rsync (in the 5.1/isos/* directories). As long as we can get them from ANL, we'll allow direct downloads of them from our site too. If we should be pulling from a different mirror site, please let us know.