We have just set up a mirror for CentOS on one of our dedicated servers in Trenton, New Jersey.
We are mirroring all versions of CentOS. We are supporting the http protocol but we are thinking on offering rsync in the weeks to come.
We have no bandwidth limitations currently. I think you can place our mirror under Tier 2.
The mirror address is located at http://centos.hostingzero.net.
Our sister company gladly provides this mirror therefore the credit should go to http://www.equified.com with the title "Home Equity Loan" if possible.
Forgot to mention that we are syncing 5 times a day from us-msync.centos.org.
Please use this (john.wayne@hostingzero.net) as the contact address.
Thank you and Happy Holidays!
--- John Wayne www.hostingzero.net - Quality Free Web Hosting www.equified.com - Home Loans