Hello, I finished the setup of the mirror and like to include our mirror on list of mirror sites.
Our mirror is running at http://centos.ufes.brhttp://centos.pop-es.rnp.br/
IPv4: IPv6: 2001:12f0:6c0:642::f195
The mirror is synchronized 4 times a day at 00:00, 06:00, 12:00, 18:00 (GMT -3)
The location of te server is: Country: Brazil State: Espirito Santo City: Vitória
The bandwidth is 1 Gigabit
Sponsoring organization: Univerdidade Federal do Espirito Santo http://www.ufes.br
Contact address: equipe-tec@pop-es.rnp.br
Luis Filipe Cordeiro Pinotti PoP-ES