Hi all,
I'm working on configuring a full mirror of CentOS. I have some questions.
People seem to be providing HTTP/FTP/rsync connection methods. Is one of those better than the others? Which one is the most useful?
I'd like to mirror the DVD isos too, but they don't seem to be included in the main server. Is there a separate procedure for mirroring the DVDs?
So far, I have this line scheduled via cron every 4 hours:
rsync -avH --delete us-msync.centos.org::CentOS /opt/mirror/pub/CentOS > /tmp/rsync.log
HTTP: No FTP: ftp://repo.bioinformatics.upenn.edu/pub/CentOS/ Rsync: No Sync times: 6x per day Releases: ALL ISOs: Yes Location: Philadelphia, PA, US Bandwidth: ~100Mb/s
Sponsoring Organization: Penn Center for Bioinformatics URL: http://www.pcbi.upenn.edu/ Contact Email: manager@pcbi.upenn.edu