
It looks like ipv6 wasn't properly set.

IPv6 I'm using right now is 2605:80:7:2::1

I'm still having trouble using rsync to us-msync.centos.org::CentOS

I'm getting that CentOS is unknown module

Changing us-msync.centos.org to a nearby mirror work perfectly fine.

Here's the command I'm using:

rsync -4 -aqzH --progress --delete us-msync.centos.org::CentOS /repo/centos



From: CentOS-mirror <centos-mirror-bounces@centos.org> on behalf of Fabian Arrotin <arrfab@centos.org>
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 2:23:00 AM
To: centos-mirror@centos.org
Subject: Re: [CentOS-mirror] Adding Mirror back to official mirror list
On 17/01/17 10:19, Anssi Johansson wrote:
> Looks like your mirror is on the mirror list again, so that part is solved.
> The most probable reason why you can't access msync is that you seem to
> have added an IPv6 address for your server at around that time. You
> should be able to access us-msync.centos.org::CentOS if you add the -4
> parameter to your rsync command line to force the use of IPv4. However,
> that is only a temporary measure. Your IPv6 address should be added to
> the ACL so you could rsync over IPv6. Please confirm that 2605:80:7:2::1
> is the IPv6 address that you are using for outgoing rsync connections.
> "curl ipv4.miuku.net" and "curl ipv6.miuku.net" may be helpful.
> While we are at it, it looks like your mirror has some problems with IPv6:
> $ telnet mirror.esecuredata.com 80
> Trying 2605:80:7:2::1...
> telnet: connect to address 2605:80:7:2::1: No route to host
> Until this is fixed, your mirror won't be used for IPv6-capable clients.
> When IPv6-capable clients request a list of mirrors, they will be
> presented only mirrors that have been verified to work over IPv6.
> 17.1.2017, 4.23, Alexandre Leonenko kirjoitti:
>> Hello Anssi Johansson,
>> It looks like the crontab script was broken, I think I fixed it.
>> Is there anything else I should do?
>> http://mirror.esecuredata.com/centos/timestamp.txt
>> Is now Jan 17 2017
>> Also msync.centos.org::CentOS dosn't work, is it due to us not being on
>> the list anymore?
>> Thanks a lot,
>> Alex
>> ________________________________________________________________________
>>> Hello all,
>>> Our server used to be on https://www.centos.org/download/mirrors/
>>> The server name was mirror.esecuredata.com
>>> Does anyone know why our mirror got removed and how can we get back on
>>> the list.
>> Hi, http://mirror-status.centos.org/ states that mirror.esecuredata.com
>> was last updated 61.5 days ago, which is too old. Outdated mirrors are
>> not listed on the download page.
>> http://mirror.esecuredata.com/centos/timestamp.txt says "Tue Nov 15
>> 12:00:01 UTC 2016".
>> Please make sure you are rsyncing properly from
>> rsync://us-msync.centos.org/CentOS/
>> Once your mirror is up to date again and the mirror checker has checked
>> your mirror, your mirror will be automatically added to the list again.
>> This process may take a while, so please sync and check the situation
>> again on the following day.

So can you confirm your IPv6 address and it will be added to the rsync ACL
Also, that was announced a long time ago :


Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project | http://www.centos.org
gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab