Hi there,

We have just set up a new complete public mirror of the Centos tree on line.
It is available from the following URL’s:

HTTP   = http://centos.biz.net.id/
RSYNC = rsync://centos.biz.net.id/centos

We are syncing 3 times a day.
For outside Indonesia, 10 Mbps of Bandwidth are available to the server.
And for connection in Indonesia, we are serving in 1 Gbps.

This mirror is provided by Biznet Networks (http://www.biznetnetworks.com)

Could it be added to the public list please?


Achmad Sunandar
Hosting Engineer
PT. Supra Primatama Nusantara (Biznet Networks)
MidPlaza 2, 8th Floor. Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 10-11. Jakarta 10220 - Indonesia.
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Web: www.biznetnetworks.com
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