On 24/10/2019 06:44, Robert wrote:
My last email didn't look to of formatted correctly, let me try again, sorry . Hope this one works.
Please allow me to be a mirror.
Find the requested information below,
Thank You,
HTTP: http://linux.darkpenguin.net/distros/CentOS/
Sync schedule: Every 6 hrs
Bandwidth: 1GBPS
Location: Germany
Sponsor: Dark Penguin Network
Sponsor URL: http://darkpenguin.net
IPv4 address to authorize:
IPv6 address to authorize: 2a01:4f8:120:14ad::1337
Email contact: robert@darkpenguin.net mailto:robert@darkpenguin.net
Mirroring AltArch: yes
Thanks !
Your mirror http://linux.darkpenguin.net/distros/CentOS/ has been added to the mirrors DB It will be listed as a public mirror (and on https://mirror-status.centos.org / https://www.centos.org/download/mirrors/ ) in the following minutes/hours. Your IP address[es] ( 2a01:4f8:120:14ad::1337) has/have been added in the ACL and so you should be able to rsync from msync.centos.org in the next ~10min
One remark though : you don't have corresponding AAAA record for linux.darkpenguin.net while it seems you'll have ipv6 connectivity (Hetzner does that, and you asked for it) : would you mind advertizing that AAAA record too ? your mirror would enter both ipv4/ipv6 lists.
Kind Regards,