We have reconfigured and added a rsync service to the server. Very soon the registrations under the cyberhost.ro domain will became unavailable. To avoid an failure in the name resolution please change the mirror registration to centos.mirrors.telekom.ro . Please authorize the server in the public mirror list.
HTTP: http://centos.mirrors.telekom.ro/ FTP: ftp://centos.mirrors.telekom.ro/ RSYNC: rsync://centos.mirrors.telekom.ro/centos/
Sync schedule: Every 6 hrs Bandwidth: 40Gbps Location: Romania EU Sponsor: Telekom Romania Sponsor URL: www.telekom.rohttp://www.telekom.ro IPv4 address to authorize: IPv6 address to authorize: no Email contact: nicusor.munteanu@telekom.romailto:nicusor.munteanu@telekom.ro Mirroring AltArch : no
Thank you.
TELEKOM ROMANIA Nicusor Munteanu E-mail: nicusor.munteanu@telekom.romailto:nicusor.munteanu@telekom.ro Web: www.telekom.rohttp://www.telekom.ro/