We've noticed the same thing here... we're pulling down from mirrors2.kernel.org as seemed to be best spot for DVD images (hope that's ok)...
Paul Stewart
Senior Network Administrator
Nexicom Inc.
-----Original Message-----
From: centos-mirror-bounces@centos.org on behalf of David Richardson
Sent: Wed 10/21/2009 10:51 AM
To: Mailing list for CentOS mirrors.
Subject: Re: [CentOS-mirror] Rsync Issues
On Wed, 21 Oct 2009, Clarkson University Mirror Admin wrote:
> As of right now, it looks like the Utah mirror (mirror.chpc.utah.edu) is
> experiencing the same issue again since all of the ISOs are missing,
> even though they were there last night.
My mirror deleted 5.4 again and is re-pulling it.
This time, I don't have logs to tell which master deleted it. It's one of
the msync-dvd boxes. I'm pulling it back down from centosz3 (so it's not
that one).
I have now disabled deletion in my rsync command.
Please check the msync-dvd masters! At least one of them is broken.
David Richardson
"There are two kinds of statistics:
the kind you look up and the kind you make up."
-- Archie Goodwin, Death of a Doxy
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