We do mirror DVD iso's. See below for usage to give you a comaprison. As
mentioned, the size can vary a bit when in transition between 2
releases. We have a 250GB volume allocated to the CentOS mirror and it
fits very well.
149G centos/
0 centos/2
1.2M centos/2.1
0 centos/3
0 centos/3.1
0 centos/3.3
0 centos/3.4
0 centos/3.5
0 centos/3.6
0 centos/3.7
0 centos/3.8
41G centos/3.9
0 centos/4
8.0K centos/4.0
8.0K centos/4.1
4.0K centos/4.2
12K centos/4.3
8.0K centos/4.4
8.0K centos/4.5
8.0K centos/4.6
8.0K centos/4.7
51G centos/4.8
4.0K centos/5
8.0K centos/5.0
8.0K centos/5.1
8.0K centos/5.2
8.0G centos/5.3
8.1G centos/5.4
42G centos/5.5
276K centos/build
72K centos/dostools
2.1M centos/graphics
4.0K centos/HEADER.html
68K centos/HEADER.images
12K centos/project
4.0K centos/RPM-GPG-KEY-beta
4.0K centos/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-3
4.0K centos/RPM-GPG-KEY-centos4
0 centos/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-4
4.0K centos/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-5
4.0K centos/TIME
4.0K centos/timestamp.txt
149G total
Sven Meeus
System Engineer/Administrator
EURid vzw/asbl
Woluwelaan 150
1831 Diegem
On 13-12-10 21:46, Matt Ruzicka wrote:
> Huib "Abigor" Laurens said:
>> rsync -aqzH --delete msync.centos.org::CentOS /path/to/local/mirror/root
>> we will mirror everything from Centos even version 2 and 3 and thats kind of old
>> and takes up lots of disc space nobody uses.
>> I'm wondering two things:
>> How much disc space will it cost to mirror everything with the above command.
>> Is there a way to only mirror Centos 5 and 4 (and 6 wen it will be released) and
>> how much space will that take?
> Here's our current disk usage broken down by mirrored directory. We aren't mirroring DVDs at this point so it would be higher if you did. Also, when a new point release comes out the old and new source will be mirrored for a short time (ie both 5.4. and 5.5), so you might want to plan for at least twice the available space for the 4 and 5 trees to be safe. Only mirroring 4 and 5 would just be a matter of twiddling your rsync string. Hope this helps..
> # du -cha --max-depth=1 centos/ | sort +1 -2
> 115G centos/
> 4.0K centos/2
> 1.3M centos/2.1
> 4.0K centos/3
> 4.0K centos/3.1
> 4.0K centos/3.3
> 4.0K centos/3.4
> 4.0K centos/3.5
> 4.0K centos/3.6
> 4.0K centos/3.7
> 4.0K centos/3.8
> 36G centos/3.9
> 4.0K centos/4
> 16K centos/4.0
> 16K centos/4.1
> 8.0K centos/4.2
> 24K centos/4.3
> 16K centos/4.4
> 16K centos/4.5
> 16K centos/4.6
> 16K centos/4.7
> 46G centos/4.8
> 40K centos/5
> 16K centos/5.0
> 16K centos/5.1
> 16K centos/5.2
> 16K centos/5.3
> 16K centos/5.4
> 34G centos/5.5
> 440K centos/build
> 84K centos/dostools
> 2.3M centos/graphics
> 8.0K centos/HEADER.html
> 136K centos/HEADER.images
> 8.0K centos/RPM-GPG-KEY-beta
> 8.0K centos/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-3
> 4.0K centos/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-4
> 8.0K centos/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-5
> 8.0K centos/TIME
> 8.0K centos/timestamp.txt
> 115G total
> Matt Ruzicka | Senior Systems Engineer | VCP4, RHCT
> 419.724.5345 office
> 419.205.2499 cell
> 419.724.3547 24x7 support
> support@cisp.com | www.cisp.com
> _______________________________________________
> CentOS-mirror mailing list
> CentOS-mirror@centos.org
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