On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 02:15:35PM +0100, Tom.Rueger@uni-bayreuth.de wrote:
Hi, there's a little flaw in our entry in the mirrorlist for Europe (http://www.centos.org/modules/tinycontent/index.php?id=31)
In the line for "Rechenzentrum Universität Bayreuth" the RSYNC-Link has a problem. It is "rsync://rsync.uni-bayreuth.de::CentOS/", in my opinion it should be in the form "rsync://rsync.uni-bayreuth.de/CentOS", as it is at all other mirrors. The problem, I think, derived from the fact, that in my mail announcing or new mirror I specified the RSYNC-Link with the option, one would use on the command-line (rsync -aHv rsync.uni-bayreuth.de::CentOS ...) rather than in the format of a Weblink, sorry for that.
fixed :)
An other point is, we are also carrying the DVD-ISOs on our server, please change this flag accordingly in our line.
added :)
Best regards, and thank you for your support.