On Wed, Aug 08, 2007 at 09:21:01PM +0200, Vaclav Dusek wrote:
i think, that sever: Name: msync-dvd.centos.org Address:
have any problem - on page http://mirror-status.centos.org/#cz is "bad time" (more 10 days old data)
I use this too for merlin.fit.vutbr.cz, but must admin, it does not work more often then it does.
There were various notifications about solved problems and in last few hours it looks better, so I'm waining how it will progress in next few days.
Tomas Kasparek, PhD student E-mail: kasparek@fit.vutbr.cz CVT FIT VUT Brno, L127 Web: http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/~kasparek Bozetechova 1, 612 66 Fax: +420 54114-1270 Brno, Czech Republic Phone: +420 54114-1220
ICQ: 293092805 jabber: tomas.kasparek@jabber.cz GPG: 2F1E 1AAF FD3B CFA3 1537 63BD DCBE 18FF A035 53BC