On 07/08/2021 00:19, sysadmin@x3me.net wrote:
Hello Mirror'ers
We are ExtremeIX and we are content provider in Asia, and we would like to become again official mirror.
You may know us as repos.del.extreme-ix.org and lately we made some changes to our infra, where our repos were based.
We've been a mirror for Centos for some time, but we've changed the system, increased datastorage size and we are now ready to serve some mirroring.
For that purpose we've already synced the contents of CentOS official mirror on our local storage.
Please find the below application for enabling our repo in official mirror lists of CentOS.
HTTP: http://repo.extreme-ix.org/centos/ http://repo.extreme-ix.org/centos/ - there are no redirects or rewrite whatsoever. Pure http
HTTPS: https://repo.extreme-ix.org/centos/ https://repo.extreme-ix.org/centos/ - Let's Encrypt powered
RSYNC: rsync://repo.extreme-ix.org/centos/ - rsyncd service
Sync schedule: Every 6 hours (*if required we can lower this period)
Bandwidth: 10Gbps direct port (TATA DC)
Location: New Delhi, India
Sponsor: Extreme IX
Sponsor URL: https://extreme-ix.org https://extreme-ix.org
IPv4 address to authorize:
IPv6 address to authorize: none
Email contact: mirrors@x3me.net mailto:mirrors@x3me.net
Mirroring AltArch: No at the moment. If there isn't any other mirror of the AltArch repo in Asia, we'll be glad to host it.
Thanks !
Your mirror http://repo.extreme-ix.org/centos/ has been added to the mirrors DB It will be listed as a public mirror (and on https://mirror-status.centos.org / https://www.centos.org/download/mirrors/ ) in the following minutes/hours. Your IP address[es] ( ) has/have been added in the ACL and so you should be able to rsync from msync.centos.org in the next ~10min
Kind Regards,