On 17/09/14 02:29, Ricardo Quezada Sanchez wrote:
Register Centos mirror.
HTTP: http://centos.usanpedro.edu.pe/ FTP: ftp://ftp.usanpedro.edu.pe/centos/
Sync schedule: Every 6 hrs Bandwidth: 120Mbps/120Mbps Location: City: Chimbote Country: PerĂº Sponsor: Universidad San Pedro Sponsor URL: http://www.usanpedro.edu.pe IP to authorize: Email contact: rquezada@usanpedro.edu.pe
Thank you.
Thanks for your mirror proposal. I've just checked your mirror, but : - http://centos.usanpedro.edu.pe shows a blank page with "Host Universidad SanPedro" - ftp link points to inexisting /centos/ directory
Can you fix your server, be sure that initial sync worked, and keep us posted ?