Ni Hao,

In rsync, you run it with the --exclude option.  You can also use the --filter option as well - mix and match.
This is my line:

-aqzH --no-p -E --delete --delay-updates --exclude=.htaccess

I use --no-p to over ride the implied option of preserving permissions from the -a archive flag.

I use delay-updates to get the atomic effect and also because my cron script does some permissions checking at the end and until it is done the rsync can screw with my setup.

I then use the --exclude to keep my .htaccess from being removed as I need it to allow for Indexes on my system.


On 10 Feb 2007, at 4:03 AM, Kelphon wrote:

How to exclude the directory that would be rsync?


Thanks a lot!

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