On Fri, Aug 14, 2020 at 2:23 AM Fabian Arrotin <arrfab@centos.org> wrote:
On 13/08/2020 18:34, Lance Albertson wrote:
> This problem i still happening to this IP address and causing issues to
> our downstream users since our sync is taking so long to complete. Is
> there any update on this?
> Thanks!

Hi Lance,

I had a look at our graphs for that node and on average on the last days
it's pushing out at ~66Mbit/s with peaks to 585Mbits/s , so even
connected over gbit these days.

Wondering if that's a routing/peering issue from OSUOSL but I can
confirm that it's happening from some locations in the US that I tested
: seems capp'ed around ~500kbit/s ... while from another server in the
US, I could get the following stats for the same file :

558,002,176 50.3MB/s   in 11s

So clearly far better. :-)

It actually seems OK right now doing the test myself:
100%[=============================================================================>] 558,002,176 31.8MB/s   in 18s    
That's what I think that it's probably some peering issue. I currently
don't have time to investigate that , but if that impacts you at that
level (also bad luck to fall on that particular node while there are
other in the same pool), can you investigate at your side with your
provider, which routes, etc .. maybe that would help ?

Yeah, let me consult with our provider and see if they notice anything. We've had problems with peering before impacting performance so it might be that.

PS: for the time being, I've just removed it from the msync.centos.org
DNS pool, but node is still online and up2date and can be used for some

Thank you for doing that! I'll let you know what we find out.
Here is the file I tested :

Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project | https://www.centos.org
gpg key: 17F3B7A1 | twitter: @arrfab

CentOS-mirror mailing list

Lance Albertson
Oregon State University | Open Source Lab