Are there some problems with msync and eu-msync at the moment? Much of the time my mirror is getting an immediate "connection closed" when trying to rsync, depending on which of the actual servers behind these addresses it attempts to connect to.
This afternoon (13:05 GMT) the eu-msync mirror (CentOS I) was 5 days out of date and my rsync session deleted all the updates from the past few days. mirror-status then said that my mirror was 5 days old!
Also, I regularly seem to be rsyncing about 1GB of RPMs in ~tmp~ directories - these then get deleted on the next rsync. It's been happening for maybe 10 days or so.
Mike Zanker wrote:
Are there some problems with msync and eu-msync at the moment? Much of the time my mirror is getting an immediate "connection closed" when trying to rsync, depending on which of the actual servers behind these addresses it attempts to connect to.
I got similar problems some days ago. I switched to us-msync and the problem stopped. I was about to report this, but I had to attend other business.
This is more of a "me to" than an answer but maybe it is helpful for the problem solving.
Magnus Morén
I'm getting the following problem:
rsync: failed to connect to No route to host (113) rsync error: error in socket IO (code 10) at clientserver.c(107) [receiver=2.6.8]
when I do
rsync --progress -avhc rsync:// /var/www/yumrepos/centos/5.0/updates/i386/
and likely the same error message for
Is there any issue with these repos ?