Some time back, I had to take my CentOS mirror offline as the load was more than the server could handle. I've now build a new server on a much faster network connection and running on a proper cluster, so with luck, I should be able to stay up this time.
I am re-sending my initial notice, modified as needed:
Please email the list when you're all set up with your cron job and your initial sync is completed.
Done. :)
We will add you to our list of mirror sites. Please provide all relevant URL's (ftp/http/rsync/?) as well as how often you are synchronizing the mirror network.
http, 4/day
Please include what city/state/country you are in and what your bandwidth cap is.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. No cap, 1 Gbit connect.
Also please give a name and link to the sponsoring organization so we can give proper credit.
Website/Mirrir; Alteeve's Niche! - (OSS tutorials, talks and reference material)
Bandwidth; Interlink Connectivity - (Commercial cluster support, Canadian collocation facility)
If the best contact point for your mirror is not the address you are subscribed to the mailing list with, please provide the email address of your preferred contact as well.
Let me know if you need anything else.
On 08/19/2011 08:05 PM, Digimer wrote:
Some time back, I had to take my CentOS mirror offline as the load was more than the server could handle. I've now build a new server on a much faster network connection and running on a proper cluster, so with luck, I should be able to stay up this time.
I am re-sending my initial notice, modified as needed:
If anyone looks at that link right now, the header will be ugly. I forgot to --exclude HEADER.html and overwrote it when I tested the cron sync (and before I backed it up). Rewriting it now, so please pardon the temporary ugliness.
On 08/20/2011 02:05 AM, Digimer wrote:
Some time back, I had to take my CentOS mirror offline as the load was more than the server could handle. I've now build a new server on a much faster network connection and running on a proper cluster, so with luck, I should be able to stay up this time.
I am re-sending my initial notice, modified as needed:
Please email the list when you're all set up with your cron job and your initial sync is completed.
Done. :)
We will add you to our list of mirror sites. Please provide all relevant URL's (ftp/http/rsync/?) as well as how often you are synchronizing the mirror network.
http, 4/day
http what? Do we already have your URL or did those URLs change from before?
On 09/04/2011 04:45 PM, Ralph Angenendt wrote:
On 08/20/2011 02:05 AM, Digimer wrote:
Some time back, I had to take my CentOS mirror offline as the load was more than the server could handle. I've now build a new server on a much faster network connection and running on a proper cluster, so with luck, I should be able to stay up this time.
I am re-sending my initial notice, modified as needed:
Please email the list when you're all set up with your cron job and your initial sync is completed.
Done. :)
We will add you to our list of mirror sites. Please provide all relevant URL's (ftp/http/rsync/?) as well as how often you are synchronizing the mirror network.
http, 4/day
http what? Do we already have your URL or did those URLs change from before?
Oh, sorry, the URL in the subject. I should have been more explicit.
On 09/05/2011 03:05 AM, Digimer wrote:
Oh, sorry, the URL in the subject. I should have been more explicit.
Okay, I reenabled your mirror.