Location: Huston Texas Http url: http://centos.server1.mirrors.robotictoydesigns.com/ Web site: www.robotictoydesigns.com P.S. My server may still be copying some files I can't tell
Our mirrors are having problems I think... our installs are failing saying packages are corrupt (we're rsync'd from the cogent mirror on both).
I think it's best if our two mirrors are temp. disabled on the list until we figure it out what's going on.
Our two mirrors are having problems I think... our net installs are failing saying packages are corrupt (we're rsync'd from the cogent mirror on both).
I think it's best if our two mirrors are temp. disabled on the list until we figure it out what's going on.
We found the problem. It was a issue with a firewall (now fixed) and not the actual mirror content. Please disregard.
Am 05.02.10 02:52, schrieb mdstrick:
Location: Huston Texas Http url: http://centos.server1.mirrors.robotictoydesigns.com/ Web site: www.robotictoydesigns.com http://www.robotictoydesigns.com P.S. My server may still be copying some files I can't tell
Will you be the person responsible for that mirror? What's the bandwidth? Do you plan on serving content or does it stay at 404?