I would like to announce a new mirror in Germany.
Country (Region) Germany State (Area) NRW Organization Name Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (http://www.fraunhofer.de/) Versions All Architectures All Direct DVD Downloads Yes URL http - URL ftp ftp://mirror.fraunhofer.de/centos.org/ URL rsync - Bandwidth OC3
Hanve fun, --cla
Hi All,
The PoP-SC CentOS Mirror is UP!
Please, add us to your mirror site.
Public URL: http://mirror.pop-sc.rnp.br/mirror/CentOS/ Country: Brazil Organização: PoP-SC/RNP (www.pop-sc.rnp.br) Versions: All Arch: i386, x86_64 http://mirror.pop-sc.rnp.br/mirror/CentOS/5.0/isos/x86_64/ DVD Images: No URL http http://mirror.pop-sc.rnp.br/mirror/CentOS/ URL ftp - URL rsync - Bandwith - GE
On Thu, June 7, 2007 8:57 am, Guilherme Eliseu Rhoden wrote:
Hi All,
The PoP-SC CentOS Mirror is UP!
Please, add us to your mirror site.
Public URL: http://mirror.pop-sc.rnp.br/mirror/CentOS/ Country: Brazil Organização: PoP-SC/RNP (www.pop-sc.rnp.br) Versions: All Arch: i386, x86_64 http://mirror.pop-sc.rnp.br/mirror/CentOS/5.0/isos/x86_64/ DVD Images: No URL http http://mirror.pop-sc.rnp.br/mirror/CentOS/ URL ftp - URL rsync - Bandwith - GE
This mirror has been added!
On Mon, June 4, 2007 4:15 am, Claus Riemann wrote:
I would like to announce a new mirror in Germany.
Country (Region) Germany State (Area) NRW Organization Name Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (http://www.fraunhofer.de/) Versions All Architectures All Direct DVD Downloads Yes URL http - URL ftp ftp://mirror.fraunhofer.de/centos.org/ URL rsync - Bandwidth OC3
Hanve fun, --cla
This mirror has been added.