Dear Sir/Madam:
We at Hellas Online (, the leading Greek internet provider, are re-engineering our whole range of operations to be able to offer a better online experience for our customers.
During the design of the extra services we wanted to provide, we came to the conclusion that we must offer a mirror of your site as we value it as an essential part of the Internet.
Thus we would like to ask your permission to mirror your site to our new fangled Multi-Terrabyte public access storage server. We would also appreciate it if you listed us as an official mirror site.
If there are certain requirements for a mirror site we would appreciate it if you communicated them to us.
Our rsync client's IP address is and the web interface is: &
Hellas On Line/Athens/Greece
PS For any technical or commercial details on the project, feel free to contact us at
Systems Administrators IT Dep. Hellas On Line e-mail : web :