I would like to build a mirror for the small business I am working for. I saw the note regarding tier 2 servers. Would it be all right if my initial sync were to be run from us-msync.centos.org?
Also, just to keep me from re-inventing the wheel, do any of you have a repository file for a local update and base server? I am interested in both direct file as well as http setups.
Thanks for your time...
Well, They ask you do not sync with msync if you are a private mirror. I run a private mirror and ipv6 sync with linux.mirrors.es.net My apache config is pretty stock. Other then enabled directory listing and turned up the directory charter print, Makes it easier to read. mines at mirror.141networks.com/centos All I have to do in the repo file on my servers is comment out the mirror list and un-comment the base url, and replace the mirrorlist.centos.org with mirror.141networks.com works great.
On 11/6/2009 1:13 PM, Jason Brooks wrote:
I would like to build a mirror for the small business I am working for. I saw the note regarding tier 2 servers. Would it be all right if my initial sync were to be run from us-msync.centos.org?
Also, just to keep me from re-inventing the wheel, do any of you have a repository file for a local update and base server? I am interested in both direct file as well as http setups.
Thanks for your time...
CentOS-mirror mailing list CentOS-mirror@centos.org http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos-mirror
Nick Olsen Nick@141networks.com writes:
All I have to do in the repo file on my servers is comment out the mirror list and un-comment the base url, and replace the mirrorlist.centos.org with mirror.141networks.com works great.
I keep the mirrorlist and configure failovermethod=priority. This makes yum fail over and use the normal mirror network if our own mirror is down. Example config:
baseurl=http://mirror.nsc.liu.se/centos/$releasever/os/$basearch/ mirrorlist=http://mirrorlist.centos.org/?release=$releasever&arch=$basearch&rep... failovermethod=priority
Pär Andersson