Vorboss Limited (UK) - mirror.vorboss.net - will be moving mirror servers to a different home - could you please whitelist in addition to the existing one for the next few weeks whilst we schedule a changeover?
On 23/10/18 16:38, Bill Brigden wrote:
Vorboss Limited (UK) – mirror.vorboss.net - will be moving mirror servers to a different home – could you please whitelist in addition to the existing one for the next few weeks whilst we schedule a changeover?
Done, but what about ipv6 ? I see that it's declared for the actual one so I guess you'll also have it for the one ? and if you try to rsync over ipv6 (default if there is connectivity and '-4' isn't specified in your rsync script), you'll not be granted ..
Let me know and I'll also add it (but done for the ipv4 already now)