Please update the mirror at lonyai.com with this data:
HTTP: http://centos.lonyai.com/ HTTPS: https://centos.lonyai.com/
Sync schedule: Every hours Bandwidth: 10GB Location: CDN without region restriction Sponsor: gergely Lonyai Sponsor URL: https://www.lonyai.com/ IPv4 address to authorize: & IPv6 address to authorize: - Email contact: gergely@lonyai.com Mirroring AltArch: yes
Kind Regards, Gergely Lónyai
On 05/10/2021 15:17, Gergely Lónyai via CentOS-mirror wrote:
Please update the mirror at lonyai.com with this data:
HTTP: http://centos.lonyai.com/ HTTPS: https://centos.lonyai.com/
Sync schedule: Every hours Bandwidth: 10GB Location: CDN without region restriction Sponsor: gergely Lonyai Sponsor URL: https://www.lonyai.com/ IPv4 address to authorize: & IPv6 address to authorize: - Email contact: gergely@lonyai.com Mirroring AltArch: yes
Kind Regards, Gergely Lónyai
I see that server was listed for a long time in our DB, and listed as from Hungary. But now maxmind doesn't seem to agree anymore , or answer it's now a multicast subnet/range. In all cases, in our DB we fix one mirror in a country and redirect people from that country/area to a list of mirrors. Coming with a CDN would defeat this and no way for us to redirect properly anyway (like nesting CDN solutions together)
I see that you opened also a request for stream 9 on mirrormanager side and mirrormanager admin answered more or less the same thing, so probably worth discussing in that ticket and not on this list.
Kind Regards,