Hello, we just completed rsync for centos on our server, if you can add it to the official list would be great!
Sponsor: RCS & RDS (www.rcs-rds.ro) Location: Europe, Romania Hardware: Dual Xeon, 32 Gb Ram, 6 T storage, 1 Gbit dual stack FTP: ftp://ftp.linux.ro/centos Web: http://centos.mirrors.linux.ro Contact: ftpadmin@linux.ro
Is rsync from eu-msync.centos.org each 6 hours okay?
Hello, any news please? this should be one of the fastest mirrors in Romania.. thanks!
On 06/05/2013 04:07 PM, Daniel Petre wrote:
Hello, we just completed rsync for centos on our server, if you can add it to the official list would be great!
Sponsor: RCS & RDS (www.rcs-rds.ro) Location: Europe, Romania Hardware: Dual Xeon, 32 Gb Ram, 6 T storage, 1 Gbit dual stack FTP: ftp://ftp.linux.ro/centos Web: http://centos.mirrors.linux.ro Contact: ftpadmin@linux.ro
Is rsync from eu-msync.centos.org each 6 hours okay?