--- El Vie 01 Feb 2008, Sergio Belkin encontró un teclado y tipeó lo siguiente:
SB: 2008/2/1, Lauro, John jlauro@umflint.edu: SB: > > > First make sure you filesystem can support it. SB: > > > Try to create a large file and check it's size. Do the following SB: > two SB: > > > commands. First will take awhile.... SB: > > > dd if=/dev/zero of=5GB-file bs=1M count=5000 SB: > > > ls -lh 5GB-file SB: > > > SB: > > > You should get something like: SB: > > > -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4.9G Jan 31 23:37 5GB-file SB: > > SB: > > Yes I got that, so there is a problem of filesystem :S SB: > SB: > 4.9G is fine. SB: > If you get closer to either 2G or 4G then you have a problem with your SB: > filesystem not supporting large files. SB: > SB: > I think you said you are not using a proxy? Given you are using a SB: > fairly recent distro, it seems most likely you are going through a SB: > proxy and it is having the problem with large files. SB: > SB: > Perhaps you can startup apache, and have the 5G (4.9G actually) in SB: > your html directory, and wget that file and make sure it transfers ok SB: > on localhost. That should bypass any transparent proxies. SB: > SB: SB: Thanks John for your idea, well let's look at following: SB: SB: wget SB: --19:35:19-- SB: => `5GB-file' SB: Connecting to connected. SB: HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK SB: Length: 5,242,880,000 (4.9G) [text/plain] SB: SB: 0% [ SB: ] 2,078,996 1.10M/s SB: SB: (I have a apache server in my "micro-lan"). So, definitely, I think SB: that my ISP, fibertel is putting a limit on a download size, isn't. If SB: I omitting something, please let me know :) SB: SB: Let's blame to my ISP :(
Look at the following:
[sergio@dublin ~]$ LC_ALL=C wget http://holmes.umflint.edu/centos/5.1/isos/x86_64/CentOS-5.1-x86_64-bin-DVD.i... --13:25:01-- http://holmes.umflint.edu/centos/5.1/isos/x86_64/CentOS-5.1-x86_64-bin-DVD.i... => `CentOS-5.1-x86_64-bin-DVD.iso' Resolving holmes.umflint.edu... Connecting to holmes.umflint.edu||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 147,687,424 (141M) [application/octet-stream]
0% [ ] 77,097 51.92K/s
[sergio@dublin ~]$ export http_proxy= [sergio@dublin ~]$ LC_ALL=C wget http://holmes.umflint.edu/centos/5.1/isos/x86_64/CentOS-5.1-x86_64-bin-DVD.i... --13:25:19-- http://holmes.umflint.edu/centos/5.1/isos/x86_64/CentOS-5.1-x86_64-bin-DVD.i... => `CentOS-5.1-x86_64-bin-DVD.iso.1' Connecting to connected. Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 4,442,654,720 (4.1G) [application/octet-stream]
0% [ ] 11,237 2.69K/s
How can i solved? Well, rather than arguing against my ISP people and listen their stupid excses, I've installed TOR + Privoxy ;)
Hope that this help someone!