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Am 10.05.11 16:21, schrieb Nikola Velkovski:
I forgot to add the frequency of synchronization to the list so here is the list again but updated:
Okay, added your mirror. It should show up shortly.
Regards and thanks for your support,
Good time of day!
We are added DVD-images to our mirror, please change information about us
С уважением, технический директор HostAce Ltd. Коненко Андрей Викторович
Тел. +7 (812) 309-57-17 ICQ: 408108152 skype: raistlin_phoenix
Am 12.05.11 09:06, schrieb Raistlin:
Good time of day! We are added DVD-images to our mirror, please change information about us
I just updated your entry.
Regards and thanks,
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