I just "injected" the new acls into our config management system. This means that the acls should be on our mirrors in the next few hours.
So how to get the DVDs now? For rsync, use msync-dvd.centos.org as the server to pull from, the target is CentOS-incdvd - as in
/usr/bin/rsync -aqzH --delete --delay-updates msync-dvd.centos.org::CentOS-incdvd
for example. You'll get a mirror reasonably close to you to pull from with that.
If you're not directly able to access the dvd, wait at least until tomorrow evening before making some noise - the config change should go out rather fast, but with some machines being rather remote, puppet sometimes takes two or three tries to pull through.
After that (or if you cannot get the dvd at all, although you sent me your IP address), please do make some noise, as I might have mistyped something or plainly forgot you (this shouldn't have happened).
I'll update our mirror database over the weekend, so your mirror won't show as carrying dvds before that on our mirrorlist.