There is a new mirror up on: http://centos.mirror.rokscom.nl
It syncs 4 times a day from: eu-msync.centos.org
Mirror location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Mirror provided by Rokscom Internet B.V. ( www.rokscom.nl )
Bandwith: 100 Mbit flat.
please at the following link to your mirror repository:
Met vriendelijk groet, Jurriaan Duindam Website: http://www.rokscom.nl E-mail: info@rokscom.nl Phone +31 (0)35 626 40 50 Fax +31 (0)35 626 40 55 Rokscom Internet BV, PoBox 1336 - 1200 BH Hilversum, The Netherlands
uklinux.net - The ISP of choice for the discerning Linux user.
On Tue, 30 May 2006, Jurriaan Duindam wrote:
There is a new mirror up on: http://centos.mirror.rokscom.nl
It syncs 4 times a day from: eu-msync.centos.org
Mirror location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Mirror provided by Rokscom Internet B.V. ( www.rokscom.nl )
Bandwith: 100 Mbit flat.
please at the following link to your mirror repository:
Thanks - I have added our mirror to our system. Regards Lance
uklinux.net - The ISP of choice for the discerning Linux user.
On Tue, 30 May 2006, Jurriaan Duindam wrote:
There is a new mirror up on: http://centos.mirror.rokscom.nl
It syncs 4 times a day from: eu-msync.centos.org
Mirror location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Mirror provided by Rokscom Internet B.V. ( www.rokscom.nl )
Bandwith: 100 Mbit flat.
please at the following link to your mirror repository:
Hmm - our mirror status tool - http://mirror-status.centos.org is showing it as 13.1 days old ???
Regards Lance