Dear Maintainer of CentOS Master Mirror and All Bangladeshi CentOS User
I am really happy to anounce the DVD ISO availibility via 'HTTP' protocol from CentOS Mirror Server in Bangladesh, hosted by Bangladesh Network Informatrion Center (
Initial DVD iso sync has been done. Thanks to Romanian Education Network, Iasi Branch ( for their bandwidth support for initial DVD download.
But at this time, this DVD iso is only limited for 'Bangladeshi User'. We will try our best to get enough bandwidth from our Data Center to support others in very near future.
At this moment, our RSYNC script syncing from Romanian Education Server, I would like to request Master Mirror Maintainer to allow us to SYNC from master server. As we use '--delete' option, If I change my script to master mirror, DVD IOS will gone:(
Our IP address is: which use to sync from master. Hope this IP will include in your ACL to allow future SYNC.
Waiting for a posative reply.
By the way, this is one and only CentOS Mirror Server for Bangladesh and we are hosting FULL mirror of CentOS Project.
Thanks to all for supporting CentOS Project.
Ahamed Bauani Maintainer of BDNIC Mirrors