Hello Team centos
why mirror.telkomuniversity.ac.id was removed in the mirror list Are we in violation?
HTTP: http://mirror.telkomuniversity.ac.id/centos/ HTTPS: https://mirror.telkomuniversity.ac.id/centos/ Sync schedule: 3 times per dayBandwidth: 100 MbpsLocation: INDONESIA/JAWA BARATSponsor: Telkom UniversitySponsor URL: https://telkomuniversity.ac.idIPv4 address to authorize: address to authorize: Email contact: hanangpriambodo@telkomuniversity.ac.idMirroring AltArch: no
On 05/02/2020 14:06, HANANG PRIAMBODO wrote:
Hello Team centos
why mirror.telkomuniversity.ac.id http://mirror.telkomuniversity.ac.id was removed in the mirror list Are we in violation?
HTTP: http://mirror.telkomuniversity.ac.id/centos/ HTTPS: https://mirror.telkomuniversity.ac.id/centos/
Sync schedule: 3 times per day Bandwidth: 100 Mbps Location: INDONESIA/JAWA BARAT Sponsor: Telkom University Sponsor URL: https://telkomuniversity.ac.id https://telkomuniversity.ac.id/ IPv4 address to authorize: IPv6 address to authorize: Email contact: hanangpriambodo@telkomuniversity.ac.id mailto:hanangpriambodo@telkomuniversity.ac.id Mirroring AltArch: no
Our crawler automatically removes out-of-date mirrors, as you can see yourself here : https://mirror-status.centos.org/ : your mirror is already more than two weeks behind all updates, so can you first verify at your side please ? Once you'll have fixed your script/monitoring at your side, and so your mirror up2date, it will appear automatically back :)