Dear mirror administrator,
Our server `' is providing DVD ISO images and listed as a server supporting DVD downloads on the mirror list. But it does not have the right to access the module: rsync://
Could you add ( to the ACL?
On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 03:25:26PM +0900, Kazuhiro Fujieda wrote:
Dear mirror administrator,
Our server `' is providing DVD ISO images and listed as a server supporting DVD downloads on the mirror list.
right, and according to your initial setup found on the mailing list archives, you were syncing from
But it does not have the right to access the module: rsync://
As soon as we can cope with it, I would be happy to open up the mirror access to a larger public. For the moment RIKEN is the closest public mirror having access to master dvd mirrors. And has much more bandwith than we will ever have is this area of the world.
Best regards and thank you for your support.