Our team operates the CentOS mirror at http://mirror-cybernet.lums.edu.pk/pub/centos/ located in Pakistan.
When we go through http://mirror.centos.org/ to try to download CentOS 5.5 ISOs from Pakistan we get to the page http://isoredirect.centos.org/centos/5.5/isos/i386/ which lists mirrors where the ISOs are available in nearby countries but does not show own mirror in Pakistan. The following screenshot of a browser window illustrates this; the client's public IP when this screenshot was taken was (as retrieved using whatismyip.com)
Has our mirror been listed correctly? Or does this point to a configuration issue on our side?
Thanks in advance for your help.
LUMS Mirror Team
Am 03.02.11 04:50, schrieb LUMS Mirror Team:
Has our mirror been listed correctly? Or does this point to a configuration issue on our side?
Yes, no. Our geoip lookup module sent everything from PK to IN - I've changed that. Although it might take a few hours for that to work out, I will check that in a few hours.