This is a new public mirror submision.
Please provide all relevant
URL's (ftp/http/rsync/?)
as well as how
often you are synchronizing the mirror network.
At least 3 times a day.
Please include what city/state/country you are in
Mirror is located in Gdansk / Kujawsko - Pomorskie / Poland
what your bandwidth cap is
Right now bandwidth cap is 50mbps.
please give a name and link to the
sponsoring organization so we can give proper credit.
Sponsoring organization is,
On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 10:33:47PM +0200, - Dominik Nowacki wrote:
This is a new public mirror submision.
.. Your mirror has just been added and should show up within the next hours.
Best regards and thank you for your support.