Hi all, There is only a readme doc under the dictionary 4.3 in all the mirrors. Where or how could I download the isos of CentOS4.3? Thanks! yours, Bati
On Monday 28 May 2007, bati.deng wrote:
Hi all, There is only a readme doc under the dictionary 4.3 in all the mirrors. Where or how could I download the isos of CentOS4.3? Thanks! yours, Bati
First, Centos-4.3 is history, it was a snapshot in time for Centos-4. Current Centos-4 is 4.5 plus some updates (same as 4.3 plus alot of updates...).
That said, old releases are pulled of the normal mirrors and pushed into vault which can be reached at vault.centos.org or via a few mirrors (such as mirror.nsc.liu.se/centos-store).