A short note that we have now enabled rsync functionality for mirror.academica.fi .
hello andrew
A short note that we have now enabled rsync functionality for mirror.academica.fi .
could you help me?
is there some special rules about making rsync mirror or something like this is sufficient? (taken from fedora mirror howto)
[fedora] comment = Fedora - RedHat community project path = <path to your fedora directory> exclude = lost+found/ read only = true max connections = 100 lock file = /var/run/rsyncd-mirrors.lock uid = <user id (numeric, or textual) of an anonymous style user who should have read access> gid = <group id (numeric, or textual) of an anonymous style user who should have read access> transfer logging = yes timeout = 900 ignore nonreadable = yes dont compress = *.gz *.tgz *.zip *.z *.Z *.rpm *.deb *.bz2 refuse options = checksum
Jiri Slezka