Anyone have a script handy that will rsync from us-msync then pull the dvd's from another mirror. Currently, we are just downstream of another mirror, But would like to sync from msync.
Anthony Somerset
Somerset Technical Solutions M: 07595568755 E: T: - L:
On 5 Apr 2011, at 22:30, Nick Olsen wrote:
Anyone have a script handy that will rsync from us-msync then pull the dvd's from another mirror. Currently, we are just downstream of another mirror, But would like to sync from msync.
all i am doing is running a standard locking script twice with modifications, on the main msync one which runs every 3-4 hours we dont have the delete flag on rsync and then our less regular script syncs off a dvd server with the delete flag, this does rely on the dvd mirror being as upto date as you.
i much rather have dvd msync access however as it solves all this hackery completely
CentOS-mirror mailing list
Nick Olsen wrote:
Anyone have a script handy that will rsync from us-msync then pull the dvd's from another mirror. Currently, we are just downstream of another mirror, But would like to sync from msync.
Attached is a copy of a locking shell script that I am using to pull just DVDs from a downstream mirror then pull the rest from "".
Hope this is helpful.
Agreed, I would much rather have msync-dvd access, But I've always been told that's not going to happen, Or at least not till after the release of 6.0 and they can take a good hard look at the mirroring infrastructure.
Adam, Thanks for the script. So far its working perfect. Even gives me good output like what msync mirror I'm pulling from so I can dump it to a log file or something.
On 4/6/2011 8:59 AM, Adam wrote:
Nick Olsen wrote:
Anyone have a script handy that will rsync from us-msync then pull the dvd's from another mirror. Currently, we are just downstream of another mirror, But would like to sync from msync.
Attached is a copy of a locking shell script that I am using to pull just DVDs from a downstream mirror then pull the rest from "".
Hope this is helpful.