sponsoring organization - REDE MINAS TELECOM URL to the sponsoring organization - www.redeminastelecom.com.br URLs to the CentOS mirror - http://centos.redeminastelecom.com.br person of contact (including mail) - João Paulo Saldanha / joaopaulo@redeminastelecom.com.br Country: Brazil State: Minas Gerais Network speed: 2 x 100Mbps
On 25.10.2011 00:26, Joao Paulo Saldanha wrote:
sponsoring organization - REDE MINAS TELECOM URL to the sponsoring organization - www.redeminastelecom.com.br URLs to the CentOS mirror - http://centos.redeminastelecom.com.br person of contact (including mail) - João Paulo Saldanha / joaopaulo@redeminastelecom.com.br
I just added your mirror - it should show up soon.
Thanks for your support,