Hi again,
Besides that I would suggest to use the resources CentOS already
> On 20/09/09 00:13, Ernesto Celis wrote:
>> The mailing list and the wiki http://wiki.centos.org/es/ are the
>> channels of support where the efforts of Alain Reguera (Cuba) and
>> Ernesto Perez (Ecuador) focus to provide in centos.org
>> <http://centos.org> spaces that we spanish speaking users deserve; exist
>> on the network alternate locations as http://ecualug.org
>> <http://ecualug.org/>, http://www.alcancelibre.org
>> <http://www.alcancelibre.org/> <http://www.alcancelibre.org/> and
>> http://www.centos-es.org/ that have howto's and forums also involving
>> members of this community, this resources along the wiki are sites of
>> reference for new users in the mailing list.
> Its important that we clarify that none of the non centos.org are
> endorsed in anyway by the project.
> Btw, terms of the logo use say that people need to ask the project for
> permission to use it. I dont know of anyway who was refused, but its
> important that people ask the question.
offers. We are also planning to add localized forums to the upcoming
Web Environment.
Best Regards