On Sun, Aug 28, 2011 at 7:11 PM, Always Learning <centos@u61.u22.net> wrote:

Hoi Bert,

> If you would decide to host such an event in Belgium, don't forget to
> ping me, I think I know the perfect location for a 2 day summit in
> Ghent, for a smaller group (max 100p/day).

Never heard of Ghent. Google shows me 'Gent' which I have heard of. Is
that 'op de weg' tussen Oostende en Antwerpen Kennedy Tunnel ?
it seems you are more Dutch (or Flemish) than I thought, Ghent is just the English name for Gent :-)
Anyway, yes, it's a nice city, not expensive, university and colleges, tech companies, everything you want.

I was thinking of 7 days with the main event in the middle of those 7
days. This would allow those with little time to attend only the main
event and the others, with more time, to arrive early and depart late,
explore the place and attend 'fringe' events and generally relax and
enjoy themselves.
if you want to do a 7 days event (which is very long, and I'm not sure if a lot of people would want to take a whole week off) we should do it during a school holiday and try to host it in the buildings of $college I think.
But as I said, from my Fedora -FUDCon- experiences, 3 or 4 days is already enough to host talks, brainstorm sessions and more.
You can not forget how costly such an event is, even if you try to make it low budget.

Is camping aanwezig in de buurt van Gent of de huur locatie ?
sure, I just don't know any - but I know people who go camping a lot, so that's covered :-)


       Commercial sponsorship, multiple

       good, low rates



       classes in Linux/Centos (free or very low cost)

       comparison with Windoze and Centos/KDE/Gnome etc.

       promotion materials

       cheap but good quality Centos branded goods
       (caps, tee-shirts, polos, sweat shirts, mugs enz.)

       primary language English, but good, clearly spoken
       and devoid of jargon, colloquialisms

       free hand-outs including CDs/DVDs of Centos

       endorsement from de gemeente / regional government etc.

       reasonable admission cost with invoices for companies
       wishing to charge everything to business expenses.
       Perhaps very low for private indidivuals and higher for
       companies ?

       IMPORTANT: some rain for Mr K B Singh who will feel
       unwelcome unless he gets wet :-)


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Bert Desmet