Peter <> writes:
> On 06/12/2014 05:17 PM, lee wrote:
>> I knew before I started that network setup would be a PITA because years
>> ago, I set up a VM for someone who didn't have a 64bit system to compile
>> a 64bit version of some software. The network setup being so
>> ridiculously difficult has kept me from touching VMs ever again for
>> years. It's just too difficult and not worth the effort unless you're
>> really forced to do it.
> Networking can be confusing until it "clicks" then it all seems to fall
> into place, there is a certain amount of understanding of the overall
> picture of how bridge networking (or other types of networking) works
> that once you get that understanding it becomes a lot simpler.
I still don't really understand it. For example, why does the dom0
loose network connectivity when you add the physical interface through
which it is connected to the network to a bridge? The bridge supposedly
connects networks indiscriminately, and it is illogical that the
connection goes away when you connect a network to it.