On 02/09/14 19:16, Tom Bishop wrote:
Was wanting to go and kick the openstack tires and was wondering if
anyone has loaded up the RDO version.  Wasn't sure if any of the
issues that were seen early on have been corrected or what needs to be
done for installation on a centos 7 host?
I have done an initial install of openstack through RDO, below are my notes on to get it working through packstack

Apply the following patches

* https://github.com/stackforge/packstack/commit/0040c6344790751e2d06678b1b0b4c6f5adc4d37


* https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-mysql/commit/7b3cdd234a0498a8b64258ebf3399bf6f3899afb to


* https://github.com/stackforge/puppet-nova/commit/0ed5b7745b6b200cdda4ae6b7d88af71498361e4 to


* Update the following 2 files


so that it reads $::operatingsystemmajrelease >= 7 instead of $::operatingsystemrelease >= 7

cp /etc/my.cnf /root/.my.cnf

And then do "packstack --allinone", and all should be good
Arif Ali

IRC: arif-ali at freenode
LinkedIn: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/arifali