ugh.... after doing inglorious battle, I return. It's definitely situation (1). The error messages haven't changed. Inside the init file, should the paths references be from the point of view of Dom0?
If you followed these directions, you're probably scratching your head. I screwed up. The initrd is actually a cpio archive, so:
----- "Christopher G. Stach II" <> wrote:
> 1. mkinitrd --with=xenblk --with=xennet --preload=xenblk
> --preload=xennet <img> <version>
> (yes, that's the original one without the fstab)
> 2. gunzip -c /boot/initrd-blah.img > /root/blah
> 3. mkdir /mnt/blah
> 4. mount -o loop /root/blah /mnt/blah
> 5. vi /mnt/blah/init
> <change occurrences of dom0 VG to guest VG>
> <change dom0 root device name to guest root device name>
> 6. umount /mnt/blah
> 7. gzip -c /root/blah > /boot/initrd-blah.img
2. mkdir /root/initrd-blah
1. mkinitrd --with=xenblk --with=xennet --preload=xenblk --preload=xennet <img> <version>
(yes, that's the original one without the fstab)
3. cd /root/initrd-blah
4. gunzip -c /boot/initrd-blah.img | cpio -idmv
5. vi /root/initrd-blah/init
6. find . -print | cpio -o | gzip -c > /boot/initrd-blah.img
Christopher G. Stach II
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