
Our domain controller and our file/print server (Windows Server 2008 R2) are running as KVM guests under CentOS 6 since 2011 and we didn't have any issues with them. I use the virtio network and disk drivers on the virtual machines. The performance of the domain controller is very good (more than what we need in fact) but we have a small network, about 40 desktops and 30 laptops. I use local storage on the KVM host for the virtual disks, they are in QCOW2 format. (make sure to use metadata preallocation when you create the disks if you use QCOW2) 


Jean-François Juneau // Administrateur réseau - System administrator // (819) 477-5353 #2222
AOF Service Alimentaire | www.aof.ca
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2014-10-15 4:54 GMT-04:00 Andry Michaelidou <andrim@cs.ucy.ac.cy>:
Hello to you all!

We are implementing here at the University KVM virtualization for our servers and services and i was wondering if anyone virtualized domain cotrollers to KVM.
Does anyone done this before? Any advice?

Andry Michaelidou Papa
| IT Systems Administrator |Department of Computer Science | University of Cyprus
Tel: +357.22.892734 | Fax: +357.22.8927231 | http://www.cs.ucy.ac.cy

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