If try to install i386 architecture it won't work i get an error message.
Using config file "/etc/xen/vm02".
Error: (2, 'Invalid kernel', 'xc_dom_compat_check: guest type xen-3.0-x86_32 not supported by xen kernel, sorry\n')

Thats why i'm looking to get a amd64 kernel to install NetBSD or FreeBSD or both.
- Augustin

On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 11:29 AM, Pierre-Philipp Braun <pbraun@wda-fr.org> wrote:

install the x86_64 version of CentOS 5.2.  You will be able to boot the
NetBSD/amd64-current domU install kernel.


Quoting white list (11/08/2008 19:16),
> Hello You All,
> I'm trying to install NetBSD on Xen. Anyone, I need a kernel to install
> NetBSD or FreeBSD or both to install it on Xen 3.2 running from CentOS 5.2
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