On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 9:41 PM, Joseph L. Casale <jcasale@activenetwerx.com> wrote:
What is the best procedure for doing this on a minimal install of CentOS without a gui?
Can I install all the dependencies through yum that a `#yum install xen kernel-xen xen-libs` would bring in, then simply install the xen-3.2.0-0xs.centos5.i386.rpm and xen-libs-3.2.0-0xs.centos5.i386.rpm?

CentOS-virt mailing list

Hi Joseph,

If you are looking for xen x86_64 then you need to compile it from the sources avaiable at xen.org.  If you are looking for xen i386 then you can download the rpms from xen.org, and install.  You will have to update grub.conf to point to xen3.2 dom0. Please refer to this http://xen.markmail.org/search/?q=xen+3.2+%26+centos#query:xen%203.2%20%26%20centos%20from%3A%22--%5B%20UxBoD%20%5D--%22+page:1+mid:s7bllms2s6u3igc2+state:results  if you want to build the xen 3.2 x86_64 from source.
