I am using pygrub to boot and this is how I got it to work:

 xm create -c <path to >dev3.cfg

at the boot splash select the kernel you are using to boot with..
press e to edit.
press e and edit the kernel line and put single right after the kernel designation....

i.e.   kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-274.3.1.el5xen single ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 .....
press enter to save your change.
It will return back to the  boot option menu

    pyGRUB  version 0.6
 │ kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-274.3.1.el5xen single ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/>               │
 │ initrd /initrd-2.6.18-274.3.1.el5xen.img                                                                 │
 │                                                                                                                              │
 │                                                                                                                              │
 │                                                                                                                              │
 │                                                                                                                              │
 │                                                                                                                              │
 │                                                                                                                              │
     Use the ^ and v keys to select which entry is highlighted.
     Press 'b' to boot, 'e' to edit the selected command in the
     boot sequence, 'c' for a command-line, 'o' to open a new line
     after ('O' for before) the selected line, 'd' to remove the
     selected line, or escape to go back to the main menu.

hit b to boot...

it worked for me a couple of times in succession.

Good luck.


Kevin Coleman - Network Engineer

On 09/20/2012 10:48 AM, Ed Heron wrote:
  You could loop mount the messed up disk on the host or you could mount
the messed up disk on another DomU and change it.

On Thu, 2012-09-20 at 08:58 -0400, me@tdiehl.org wrote:

I have a C5.8 machine with several DomU's. I fubared the fstab on one of them
and I need to get it into single user mode.

Does anyone know how to do that? I tried adding single to the extras line
in /etc/xen/machine_name but it still tries to start in level 3.

To make things worse, the root partition is on LVM.

Alternatively, does anyone know how to access the image from DomU? I tried
to use kpartx but when I run VGscan, I do not get the lvm activated.


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