You need to add eth0 to the bridge (br0) which you already did. But do NOT assign an IP address to eth0. Instead, assign the host's IP to br0.
Then just use another of your IPs for your VM (which can also be called eth0 inside your VM).
This way your host and your VM(s) can communicate with each other via the bridge.

Note: If you want to use more than one IP address to access your host, then create alias interfaces on the host for the bridge such as br0:0, br0:1, etc.
Do not create alias interfaces on eth0. Also do not create an alias interface on your host for the IP(s) which you'll be using inside your VM(s).

I hope this helps.

On 6/9/2014 2:30 AM, Ing. Ramon Resendiz wrote:



I have the following issue i recently installed a VM with qemu and libvirtd, everything is almost ok. The problem is that i have 5 usable IP address (valid ip address on internet) for eth0, and i want to use one of this IP for my VM (Windows 2008 Standard R2 by the way). I did the bridge between my eth0 and br0, the VM could browse into internet and download patches, etc. etc.


I tried to use a networking alias, this is the network interface eth0 assign a IP address and for the eth0:1 assign other IP address, and this bridged to the br0 instead of eth0 to eth0:1; after restart the network service the connectivity lost, and then get in back the original configuration everything seems to work again. But my goal is not archived.




eth0 must have a valid ip address to be accesed, eth0:1 (bridged to br0) must have a valid address to be assigned to the VM. Through iptables assign ACL to each IP address (valid IP address) depending of the services to host (web server and db server,  rdp host) and between interfaces could be possible to communicate between them (virtual host and virtual machine).


eth0: Virtual Host

eth0:1: Virtual  machine (bridged to br0)


Thank you very much for you time.


Best regards,



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